Resources - Cyber Security Awareness Month

On this page

Themed resources - Generation Cyber Safe

Themed messages

Social posts

General theme post

Keeping Canadians safe online is important to us at [organization name], which is why we have committed to becoming #GetCyberSafe champions!
#CyberMonth2024 is all about working together to become part of Generation Cyber safe. Follow along with us to learn more!

Week 1 – The most secure generation

Want to be part of the most secure generation? We at [organization name] invite you to be a part of Generation Cyber Safe this #CyberMonth2024!
You can start by taking small steps to improve your account security. Let's #GetCyberSafe together: [link]

Week 2 – The most resourceful generation

Every generation needs the right tools to succeed, especially when it comes to online safety.
As #GetCyberSafe champions, we at [organization name] are sharing the resources you need to be more secure. Follow along this #CyberMonth2024 to learn more: [link]

Week 3 – The most social generation

Something all generations have in common is the need to stay connected. When it comes to being online however, there are threats that come with staying social. This week, we’ll discuss:Knowing how to spot the signs of phishing and how to avoid over sharing online can help you #GetCyberSafe. Find out more: [link]

Week 4 - The most proactive generation

This #CyberMonth2024, let's continue to work on online safety.
Generation Cyber Safe has the power to come together to overcome online threats you might encounter at work. #GetCyberSafe with us by learning about backups, virtualization and more: [link]

Week 5 - The most helpful generation

Being part of any generation, including Generation Cyber Safe, means being able to pass on valuable knowledge to the next gen!
Share what you've learned this #CyberMonth2024 with your friends, family and colleagues so they can #GetCyberSafe too. Here's a breakdown: [link]

Internal messages

All the messages below can be tailored and used for a variety of communication needs such as newsletters, all-staff emails, intranet posts and more.

Kick off message

Subject line: Become part of Generation Cyber Safe this Cyber Security Awareness Month!


October is Cyber Security Awareness Month (Cyber Month) in Canada, and we at [Company name] are proud to be a Get Cyber Safe champion, working to help Canadians stay safe online. Cyber Month is an important time to reflect, as individuals and as an organization, on how we can protect ourselves, our business, our audience and our loved ones online.

This year’s Cyber Month theme is Generation Cyber Safe: Because online security knows no age. Online security affects all Canadians, regardless of when they were born – which is why every generation is part of Generation Cyber Safe. This month, we’re celebrating how much stronger each generation can be when they come together to stay safe online.

You can learn more about Cyber Month on the Get Cyber Safe website [and/or link to tools on your own website/intranet site].

Participating as Cyber Month champions means that [Company name] will be engaging with Get Cyber Safe’s online campaign and sharing their expertise on cyber safety. We would love for you to get involved to help all Canadians get strong together as one generation. Here’s what you can do to help:

We appreciate your help in helping Canadians get stronger online! If you have any questions, please reach out to [contact] for more information.


Week 1 message

Subject line: Cyber Month Week 1: The most secure generation!


This week marks the first week of the Cyber Month campaign. As a Get Cyber Safe champion, we at [Company name] are doing our part in ensuring that Canadians, regardless of age, stay safe online. As this year’s theme is Generation Cyber Safe: Because online security knows no age, we’re celebrating the unique strengths every generation has when it comes to staying safe online.

This week, we’ll explore how Generation Cyber Safe is the most secure generation by ensuring that our accounts (and by extension, our devices) are secure. As a first line of defence, using strong and unique passphrases [or use your own link] help protect us from falling victim to online threats like credential stuffing. Other ways that we as individuals and as an organization can help boost our online security include:

You can learn more about Cyber Month on the Get Cyber Safe website [and/or link to tools on your own website/intranet site].

We encourage everyone at [Company name] to get involved this Cyber Month. You too can be a champion by:

  • following Get Cyber Safe on socials and promoting Cyber Month on your own personal social media channels
  • following cyber security best practices at work and at home
  • talking about cyber security with friends and family – here are resources to help you

If you have any questions, please reach out to [contact] for more information.


Week 2 message

Subject line: Cyber Month Week 2: Be part of the most resourceful generation!


At [Company name], we are all part of Generation Cyber Safe. During week two of Cyber Month, we’re continuing with our awareness efforts as a Get Cyber Safe champion by highlighting our resourcefulness. Every generation needs the right tools to succeed, especially when it comes to staying safe online. This week, we’ll discuss some important tools that can help protect us all from common online threats.

System and software updates, for example, is one of the easiest ways to protect your devices and your information from cyber threats. Updates fix security issues and add new features to allow you to get more out of your device.

Connecting to a virtual private network (VPN) is another great way to help protect ourselves and our organization. VPNs like [insert name of VPN your company uses]that we use to connect remotely, provides us with an additional layer of security and privacy when we’re online and helps keep our data secure.

To learn more about resources to help protect yourself online, visit Get Cyber Safe/CyberMonth [and/or link to tools on your own website/intranet site].

You can help us participate as Cyber Month champions by engaging with Get Cyber Safe’s online campaign and sharing their expertise on cyber safety. You can get involved by:

  • promoting online security on your own personal social media channels
  • following cyber security best practices at work and at home
  • talking about cyber security with friends and family – here are resources to help you

We appreciate your help in keeping Canadians safe online! Please reach out to [contact] for more information.


Week 3 message

Subject line: Cyber Month week 3: The most social generation!


As a Get Cyber Safe champion, we know that one thing all generations have in common is the need to stay connected. However, in today’s digital world, connecting with others online can be challenging, especially when it comes to navigating online threats. Since we at [company name] are part of Generation Cyber Safe, the most social generation, we’ll learn more about staying safe while being social by covering important topics like phishing [or select one or two other priority topics for your organization to discuss in the paragraph below].

Phishing is a common tactic used by cyber criminals to steal personal information or money. Phishing messages can take many forms including email, phone calls, text message and messages on social media. Though phishing messages are getting harder to spot, there are common signs to look for like typos and urgent or threatening language. [Optional - insert anecdote about a phishing campaign that targeted your company.]

The cyber security landscape continues to evolve with emerging technology trends like artificial intelligence (AI). More and more, cyber criminals are using AI to make it increasingly difficult for people to decipher what is real and what is fake. Knowing how to spot AI generated content is important not only to us at [company name], but for Canadians in general.

To learn more about AI and other important topics like social engineering [or use own link] and identity theft [or use own link] to protect your digital identity, please visit [and/or link to tools on your own website/intranet site.]

It’s not too late to participate in Cyber Month and help us as Get Cyber Safe champions. You can get involved in a few simple steps by:

  • promoting Cyber Month on your own personal social media channels
  • following cyber security best practices at work and at home
  • talking about cyber security with friends and family – here are resources to help you

Please reach out to [contact] for more information.


Week 4 message

Subject line: Cyber Month week 4: Be part of the most proactive generation!


Week 4 of Cyber Month is especially important to us at [Company name] because it primarily focuses on being safe online while working! Being part of Generation Cyber Safe means being proactive and knowing how to act against online threats anywhere, including at our job. This week, we’ll gain valuable insights on how to avoid online threats and how to recover from them, too.

At [Company name], we believe that cyber security is a shared responsibility and every one of us has a role to play. We’re proud to offer a variety of cyber security awareness training opportunities such as [list a few training opportunities available within your company]. The Get Cyber Safe website also offers advice, guidance and resources on a variety of cyber security topics to help us feel empowered to face online threats and better secure our online lives.

No matter how cyber savvy we may be, we are all at risk at falling victim to cyber crime. One of the quickest ways to recover from a cyber attack is to back up our data [or use your own link]. Whether they’re sensitive work documents or sentimental personal photos, backing up our data is a quick and easy way to make sure we don’t lose the files that matter most to us.

Whether if you’re at work or at home, or working from home, being prepared and proactive is your first line of defence against online threats. Join us in being a Cyber Month champion by sharing the importance of cyber security. It’s not too late to:

  • promote Cyber Month on your own personal social media channels
  • follow cyber security best practices at work and at home
  • talk about cyber security with friends and family – here are resources to help you

You can learn more about Cyber Month on the Get Cyber Safe website [and/or link to tools on your own website/intranet site].

We appreciate your help in keeping Canadians safe online! Please reach out to [contact] for more information.


Week 5 message

Subject line: Cyber Month week 5: The most helpful generation!


Passing on knowledge is one of the greatest gifts we can give to future generations. Being part of Generation Cyber Safe means getting to empower friends, family and colleagues with the information and tools they need to stay safe online! This week, as the end of Cyber Month draws near, we’re encouraging everyone at [Company name] to share what we’ve discovered all month with the people that matter the most.

Our world has shifted online and it’s important that we all make cyber security a priority. But we understand that cyber security is a serious topic and can feel overwhelming for many. The Get Cyber Safe campaign can help demystify cyber security. They offer engaging and easy to understand and follow advice on a variety of cyber security topics. Their tools and resources are meant to be shared and can help with things like [ and/or link to tools on your own website/intranet site]:

You can learn more about Cyber Month on the Get Cyber Safe website [and/or link to tools on your own website/intranet site].

We appreciate your help in keeping Canadians safe online! Please reach out to [contact] for more information.


Conclusion message

Subject line: Thank you for being a part of Generation Cyber Safe!


As Cyber Security Awareness Month (Cyber Month) ends, we would like to thank you, our dedicated employees, for participating in this important campaign and helping [Company name] in our efforts to lift up Generation Cyber Safe!

[Optional: insert memorable moment or a summary from your company’s Cyber Month efforts ]

Although Cyber Month 2024 has ended, our journey to becoming more cyber safe continues. There are not many aspects of our personal and professional lives that can’t be affected by a cyber threat as our world moves more online. Being cyber safe is a year-round job and we need to stay vigilant in our efforts to stay safe online and to help all Canadians stay safe online, too. By embracing cyber security and motivating our colleagues, family and friends to do the same, we can protect ourselves from these threats and strengthen our online security together.

Get Cyber Safe has numerous resources we can use throughout the year to protect ourselves and [Company name] from cyber threats. We encourage you to follow the Get Cyber Safe campaign on Facebook, X, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube for the latest simple and easy to follow cyber security advice and guidance.

Once again, thank you for making this Cyber Month a success! It's commitment like yours that truly makes us stronger together in our digital world. Let’s continue to motivate and inspire others to prioritize their online security so we can raise the bar for cyber security in Canada and create a safer future for all.


Themed downloadables

Facebook and LinkedIn

Download these 1200x628-pixel images to share on your Facebook or LinkedIn posts.


Download these 1080x1080-pixel images to share on your Instagram posts.


Download these 1024x513-pixel images to share on your X posts.

Download this 1500x500-pixel banner image to post on your personal or business X profile.

Additional background images

Enhance your virtual meetings during Cyber Month with our virtual meeting backgrounds! We have bilingual options available. Download them today and use them to promote cyber security awareness in your online gatherings.

Hero images

Our Cyber Month 2024 hero images are large, eye-catching visuals used at the top of a webpage to capture attention and convey the main message or theme of this years content.

Generic resources

Generic messages

Social media messages


This October, we at [organization name] have committed to being a @GetCyberSafe champion!

Protecting Canadians’ cyber security is important to us which is why we're taking part in #CyberMonth2024. Follow us to find out how we #GetCyberSafe #Cyber #CyberSecurity

End of month

Thanks for following along with us this #CyberMonth2024!

Making #CyberSecurity easy and accessible is important to us at [organization name], which is why we chose to be a @GetCyberSafe champion. We hope you learned a lot with us and continue to #GetCyberSafe all year long!

Messages to use throughout the month

1. Cyber security doesn't have to be complicated. You can #GetCyberSafe by taking small steps like learning how to make stronger passwords: [link]

Follow us this #CyberMonth2024 to see how we're enhancing Canadians’ #CyberSecurity as a @GetCyberSafe champion.

Choose from any of the below links or add your own!

This #CyberMonth2024, we’re helping Canadians #GetCyberSafe by highlighting the ways they can spot and avoid online threats, like phishing scams.

#DYK phishing is one of the most common types of cyber threats? Visit @GetCyberSafe to learn more: [link]

Choose from any of the below links or add your own!

3. As champions of @GetCyberSafe, we're dedicated to keeping Canadians informed and their devices secure this #CyberMonth2024!

Out-of-date devices are more exposed to cyber threats. Update yours regularly or set updates to automatic to #GetCyberSafe: [link]

Choose from any of the below links or add your own!

4. Businesses need to prioritize #CyberSecurity as much as individuals do. Discover simple steps your #SMB can take to enhance its #CyberSecurity: [link]

We’re proud to be a @GetCyberSafe champion Follow along this #CyberMonth2024 for more tips!

Choose from any of the below links or add your own!

5. Want to learn more about cyber security but aren't sure where to start?

We at [organization name] have committed to being a @GetCyberSafe champion this #CyberMonth2024 to help Canadians learn simple tips to #GetCyberSafe. Follow along to see how!

Internal communications

All-staff email for Cyber Month kick-off

Subject line: It’s Cyber Security Awareness Month!


October is Cyber Security Awareness Month (Cyber Month) in Canada and we at [Company name] are proud to be a Get Cyber Safe champion working to help Canadians stay safe online. Cyber Month is an important time to reflect, as individuals and as an organization, on how we can protect ourselves and our loved ones online. You can learn more about Cyber Month on the Get Cyber Safe website [and/or link to tools on your own website/intranet site].

What does it mean to be a Cyber Month champion? It means that [Company name] will be engaging with Get Cyber Safe’s online campaign and sharing expertise on cyber safety – we would love for you to get involved. As many of you know, cyber security is a shared responsibility. Here’s what you can do to help:

  • Promote Cyber Month on your own personal social media channels
  • Follow cyber security best practices at work and at home
  • Talk about cyber security with friends and family – here are resources to help you (simply select the topics that mean most to you)

Thanks in advance for your help in keeping Canadians safe online. We wish you a very safe and happy Cyber Month! If you have any questions, please reach out to [contact] for more information.


All staff email for end of Cyber Month

Subject line: Thank you for participating in Cyber Security Awareness Month!


As Cyber Security Awareness Month (Cyber Month) comes to an end, we would like to thank you, our staff, for participating in this important campaign and helping [Company name] promote the importance of cyber security for all Canadians.

Although Cyber Month 2024 has ended, our journey to becoming more cyber secure is just beginning. Get Cyber Safe has numerous resources we can use all year round to protect ourselves and [Company name] from cyber threats. We encourage you to follow the campaign on Facebook, X, Instagram, LinkedIn for the latest cyber security advice.

Once again, thank you for making this Cyber Month a success. It's dedication like yours that makes a difference in our cyber safe digital world.


Inspirational message from leaders

Can be used as an all-staff email or a post to an intranet site

Subject line: You can make a difference this Cyber Month


As you may already know, October is Cyber Security Awareness Month (Cyber Month) in Canada. As a Cyber Month Champion, [Company name] is proud to participate in this important campaign and use our platforms to help increase Canadians’ awareness of cyber security.

In our increasingly connected world, cyber threats can pose significant risks to individuals, organizations and communities. But through our collective efforts, we can educate, empower and protect ourselves and those around us. By taking steps, like sharing Get Cyber Safe’s posts on social media, talking to coworkers, friends and family about cyber security and practicing good cyber security habits ourselves, everyone at [Company name] can make a difference.

Every interaction, no matter how small, can create a ripple effect of positive change. As Cyber Month champions, we can help Canadians protect their data and devices and navigate the online world with confidence.

Together, we can raise the bar for cyber security in Canada and create a safer future for generations to come.


Message on importance of cyber security

Can be used as an all-staff email or a post to an intranet site

Subject line: Cyber security affects everyone


This Cyber Security Awareness Month (Cyber Month), we want to take a moment to remind you of the importance of cyber security and the impact we can make as a Get Cyber Safe champion.

As our world moves more and more online, the impact cyber threats can have on our lives increases. From phishing attacks that steal sensitive information to malware that damages our devices, there are few aspects of our personal and professional lives that can’t be affected by a cyber threat. But by embracing cyber security and teaching our coworkers, family and friends to do the same, we can protect ourselves from these threats and create a safer online environment for all Canadians.

Everyone at [Company name] has a role to play in building a cyber safe community. Sharing Get Cyber Safe’s posts on social media, talking to others about the importance of cyber security and following cyber safe practices yourself are a few ways you can make a difference this Cyber Month.

By working together, we can help create a safer digital landscape for all Canadians.


Message on how to participate in Cyber Month

Can be used as an all-staff email or a post to an intranet site

Subject line: How you can participate in Cyber Month 2024


October is Cyber Security Awareness Month (Cyber Month) in Canada and we at [Company name] are proud to be a Get Cyber Safe champion working to help Canadians stay safe online. As champions, we’ll be sharing and posting cyber safety advice from the Get Cyber Safe team, led by the Communications Security Establishment Canada (CSE), through our social media accounts (and in all-staff emails and intranet posts).

Cyber security is a team effort, which is why we’re asking our teams to help us participate by engaging with our content this October. Here are some things that you can do to support our Cyber Month initiatives to help keep Canadians safe online:

  • Promote Cyber Month on your own personal social media channels using the hashtags #GetCyberSafe, #CyberMonth2024, #Cyber and #CyberSecurity
  • Like, follow, share and comment on our social media posts throughout the month at [company social media]
  • Follow cyber security best practices at work and at home
  • Talk about cyber security with friends and family

You can learn more about Cyber Month on the Get Cyber Safe website [and/or link to tools on your own website/intranet site].


Generic downloadables

Facebook and LinkedIn

Download these 1200x628-pixel images to share on your Facebook or LinkedIn posts.

Download this 851x315-pixel banner image to post on your personal or business Facebook profile.


Download these 1080x1080-pixel images to share on your Instagram posts.


Download these 1024x513-pixel images to share on your Instagram posts.

Download this 1500x500-pixel banner image to post on your personal or business X profile.

Virtual meeting backgrounds

Enhance your virtual meetings during Cyber Month with our virtual meeting backgrounds! We have bilingual options available. Download them today and use them to promote cyber security awareness in your online gatherings.

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