Ransomware: Back up your data, or else!


  • Transcript

    Back up your data or else

    Ransomware is one of the most frightening looking and sounding cyber threats you might encounter online. But ransomware doesn’t have to be a nightmare. Being prepared can make it a whole lot less scary — like reciting what to say 600 times before you make a phone call.

    Malware is malicious software created to damage your



    2 in 5
    Canadians have been a victim of malwarei

    One type of malware is
    which locks your device until you pay a ransom

    (the name kind of gives it away)

    of Canadians are concerned about financial loss from cyber threats i

    of Canadians are concerned their personal data will be held for ransom i

    It works like this:

    1. You accidentally download ransomware
    2. It locks your screen or encrypts your files
    3. You get a popup explaining the terms of the ransom
    4. Your data is held hostage until you send money   (and even then you might not get it back)

    Ransomware and phishing: Partners in cybercrime

    of ransomware comes from spam and phishing emails ii

    of ransomware impersonates authority figures like law enforcement iii

    Be prepared to not  pay

    Backing up your files and devices offline lets you recover your data without losing money.

    of Canadians back up their data on an external hard drive i
    of Canadians back up their data to the cloud i

    15% of Canadians never back up their files i

    and if their devices get infected with ransomware, they’re gonna have a bad time.

    If your device is infected with ransomware, don’t panic!

    Avoid paying if you can
    It can open you to repeat attacks

    Disconnect all devices
    Ransomware can spread through networks

    Remove the malware
    Or get someone who knows how to help

    Get more tips to protect yourself and your devices at

    i Get Cyber Safe Awareness Tracking Survey, EKOS, 2020

    ii Datto’s Global State of the Channel Ransomware Report, Datto, 2019

    iii “I was told to buy a software or lose my computer. I ignored it”: A study of ransomware, Stanford University, 2019


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